Qui sommes-nous ?

Founded in Paris in 2005, LGI is an independent SME that is active in more than 20 countries. Its vision is based on the belief that the major transformations required to create a sustainable world will need positive, impactful innovation. In 2020, LGI became a purpose-driven enterprise under French law (société à mission), a statutory evolution reflecting its commitment to an objective of “promoting sustainable innovation as a vector for solutions to global climate, environmental and societal challenges”.

LGI has built lasting relationships with 500+ partners worldwide to tackle challenges related to climate, biodiversity, low-carbon energies, climate-smart cities, mobility, circular economy, social innovation, and nature-based solutions, among other impact areas.

Aucune offre ne vous correspond ?

LGI Sustainable Innovation est toujours à la recherche de personnes talentueuses, n'hésitez pas à postuler !

Candidature spontanée